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Week Four's Update & Meal Plan!

I'm beginning week four of the AIP & I feel stronger than ever. I have energy that I haven't had in years, my chronic pain is so much better & I'm  just thrilled with my progress. 😊 The best part is yesterday we went grocery shopping for the week & we stopped at an Italian market that had the best looking fresh pastry case, & I went over there ordered my hubby an eclair (his favorite), my youngest two a cookie & my eldest daughter got a a couple macarons (my favorite), but I didn't feel any desire to have one for myself. I'm just in the zone, feeling great & not willing to go of course. Willpower, when it comes to sugary foods, has never been my strong suit, so I'm feeling accomplished & proud.

Pinterest has been my bff with meal planning. I knew that chicken & veggies would get old pretty quickly, so I've been trying tons of recipes to satisfy my palate. You may think eliminating so many foods would be daunting, but I've found that there are amazing alternatives to the foods eliminated. For instance, parsnips. I'd had roasted parsnips before, but I'd never realized how delicious they are. I used them in a root veggie beef stew & they honestly replaced the potatoes perfectly. I loved them so much that this weekend I made mashed parsnips for our steak, mushroom & green bean dinner. They were amazing. Dipping my steak in them was heavenly. 😋 I also discovered cauliflower rice truly can have a rice texture all while tasting delicious. Parsnips & cauliflower rice are two of my newest favorite foods. 


 Grass fed organic steaks, sautéed mushrooms with garlic & olive oil, fresh organic green beans, & roasted garlic mashed parsnips

On the menu for this week:

Breakfast & lunches (all prepped/cooked & ready to eat)
-leftovers is always on the menu
-baked chicken breasts
-lettuce for salads with avocado & cucumber
-fresh fruit
-blackberry sage breakfast sausage



Deconstructed egg roll bowls
-1lb grass fed hamburger 
-a head of cabbage
-carrot shreds
-bean sprouts
-1 tsp. fresh ginger paste-
-Himalayan sea salt
-coconut aminos
-olive oil
Brown the hamburger seasoned with salt & add garlic. Once brown add carrots (I salt after each addition), cook for a few minutes. Add cabbage (salt) mix it all together as you continue cooking it. Add bean sprouts (salt) & coconut aminos to taste. Coconut aminos have a much milder flavor than liquid aminos or soy sauce, so you'll want to add quite a bit; I taste continually to get the flavor I desire. Serve! 😋 We always have leftovers for lunch the next day. 


-Cauliflower "rice"
-Fresh green beans


-roasted Brussels sprouts 


(This recipe calls for chicken thighs, but I'm using organic breasts.)
-green beans


(This will be my the first time making pork blade steaks; they came in my Butcher Box.)
-cauliflower "rice"
-sautéed squash



Hamburgers with "pesto (basil, salt, garlic & olive oil blended up)", avocado with lettuce buns & roasted carrot chips

What are you making this week? Share your recipes with me in the comments below. Feel free to follow my Pinterest boards. 

Have a great week!! ☺️


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