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Showing posts from March, 2017

Taking My Life Back: Could following the Autoimmune Protocol be the answer?

It has been over a year since I wrote about being stuck . I'd like to say that it's because I've figured everything out, am at my goal weight & feeling healthier than ever, but that'd be a lie. The truth is that this past year brought many changes to my life & I have found myself struggling to just keep moving. It seems that around every corner there is a new challenge that I must figure out. Luckily for me, while life may throw some curveballs, I do realize how lucky I am to be surrounded by love. While love can't solve problems, it sure makes waking up each day easier.❤️  The biggest problem for me is my overall health & weight. I know that my health issues exacerbate every other issue that my body has. My weight gain increases my chronic pain in my back, neck & shoulder. It causes anxiety & depression, which makes me want to stay in bed. Staying in bed increases my chronic pain, because I'm not providing blood flow to my injured body par...