It has been over a year since I wrote about being stuck . I'd like to say that it's because I've figured everything out, am at my goal weight & feeling healthier than ever, but that'd be a lie. The truth is that this past year brought many changes to my life & I have found myself struggling to just keep moving. It seems that around every corner there is a new challenge that I must figure out. Luckily for me, while life may throw some curveballs, I do realize how lucky I am to be surrounded by love. While love can't solve problems, it sure makes waking up each day easier.❤️ The biggest problem for me is my overall health & weight. I know that my health issues exacerbate every other issue that my body has. My weight gain increases my chronic pain in my back, neck & shoulder. It causes anxiety & depression, which makes me want to stay in bed. Staying in bed increases my chronic pain, because I'm not providing blood flow to my injured body par...
Just a woman who used diet and exercise to lose weight and transform her life. My goal is to help others do the same. If you are struggling to lose weight or to feel better, join one of my accountability groups and let me help you do what I have done.